Sizzling Summer Beef Kabobs Recipe with Italian Dressing (2024)

Sizzling Summer Beef Kabobs Recipe with Italian Dressing (2)Today I’ll be sharing with you one of two delicious lean beef, top sirloin recipes from the “Beef It’s What’s For Dinner” site and an opportunity to win 1 of 2 $100 Visa gift cards. If you haven’t already checked the site out, they have a great recipe section. Type in the search box the cut of beef you’re looking to cook and it will feed you several recipes. Each recipe also has a review rating aspect of it -although I noticed many of them haven’t been reviewed yet. On the site you can register to join the community to fully access the interactive community. There you’ll find nutritional information, meal planning, grocery lists, and cooking techniques. It’s a good reference site for all things beef by the people who are the authority on beef. I’ve already left my review for the recipe I’m sharing for you today.

I prepared the recipe with a few tweaks and was surprised by how quick, easy, and tasty the kabobs were. The orzo part of the recipe I wasn’t a huge fan of because I thought it could use more seasoning, or maybe it’s because I’m not a huge orzo fan. Either way, the kabobs were a huge hit with my family. I prepared everything with minimal marinading time because I came home late and had to leave shortly after dinner. Even then, the kabobs had a lovely flavor to them. My father who was also over for dinner loved them too and commented on how nice and tender the beef was. I think he was being a little bit passive-aggressive (hi dad!) because on several occasions he has told me I cook with too much salt. This is coming from a man who never uses salt. Whatever. I used Cardini’s Italian dressing for this recipe because a) it was on sale and b) it wasn’t clear looking. It looked more like a Caesar salad dressing and that appealed to me. Total marinading time was about 25 minutes. I do recommend doubling the amounts of Italian dressing and garlic the marinade calls for and I doubled the cheese and added a little garlic to the orzo. Below is the exact recipe. Feel free to use other vegetables like zucchini and mushroom on your kabobs. I have a feeling this may become my go to kabob recipe this summer when I need a quick barbecue recipe without fuss.

PS: Keep reading the post towards the bottom for more information on the $100 Visa gift card Swag Bag giveaway I mentioned yesterday.
Sizzling Sirloin Kabobs on a Bed of Orzo
Total recipe time: 30 minutes Makes 4 servings


1. 1 pound boneless beef top sirloin steak, cut 1 inch thick
2. 2 red or yellow bell peppers, cut into 1 inch pieces
3. 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil or 1 teaspoon dried basil
4. 1 tablespoon prepared Italian dressing
5. 2 large cloves garlic, minced

Parmesan Orzo:
1. 1 cup uncooked orzo pasta, cooked
2. 2 to 3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil or parsley
3. 2 tablespoons shredded Parmesan cheese
4. 2 teaspoons olive oil


1. Soak eight 8-inch bamboo skewers in water 10 minutes.
2. Cut beef steak into 1-1/4-inch pieces. Toss beef and bell peppers with 1 tablespoon basil, dressing and garlic in large bowl. Alternately thread beef and peppers onto skewers.
3. Toss orzo ingredients in medium bowl; keep warm.
4. Place kabobs on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, uncovered, about 8 to 10 minutes for medium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning occasionally. Serve with orzo. Enjoy!

To enter today’s $100 Visa gift card and swag giveaway, you’ll need to take a brief “Lean Cut Personality Match” survey. This is a mandatory step. Once you’ve taken the survey, there will be other opportunities for you to earn additional entries.

I took it and it will tell you in the end which type of lean cut beef works best for your lifestyle. For me it was dead-on but as another reader mentioned, it was way off. Either way it is a requirement for this giveaway. So please take about 30 seconds to do this. After you’ve taken the survey, come back here and leave a comment on the type of lean beef cut the survey results showed for you. Let me know if you agree or disagree with their results too.. it will be fun to see how accurate it is.

Here are additional ways for you to earn additional entriesPlease leave a SEPARATE COMMENT for each additional entry you decide to participate in.

1) Follow @SavorySweetLife on Twitter (if you don’t already) and tweet about this giveaway ” I just entered to win a $100 Visa GC sponsored by #savorysweetlife & #BeefAssociation ” Come back here and leave a comment with your Twitter handle letting me know you tweeted.

2) Become a Facebook Fan of Savory Sweet Life. If you’re already a FB fan just leave a comment letting me know and tell me your favorite beef recipe.

3) Become a Facebook Fan of “Beef It’s What’s for Dinner”. After you’ve done this, come back here and leave a comment letting me know you did.

So in total, you can enter up to 4 times. Contest is open to people with US mailing address. Winner will be selected at random ( Contest ends Sunday, July 18, 2010 at 9pm PST. There will be a second contest on Thursday for another opportunity to enter for a second $100 Visa card. Stay tuned. Contest is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered. Congrats Laura!

Disclosure: The Beef Association provided the swag bag as mentioned above for this giveaway. Savory Sweet Life was also compensated with a gift card to help offset the costs of groceries related to recipes Alice is preparing for this series of posts as well as shipping costs associated with mailing prizes to the winner.

Sizzling Summer Beef Kabobs Recipe with Italian Dressing (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.