Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (2024)


Community Pick

Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (1)

Submitted by Chef Buggsy Mate

"A nice coffee cake to serve on a lazy Saturday morning with a cup of coffee or to take to work on those office party days. NOTE: This recipe can easily be made with all-purpose flour and no xanthan gum for those who do not have an issue with gluten."


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photo by Jonathan Melendez Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (4)

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Ready In:
1hr 25mins


1 coffee cake




  • 23 cup chopped pecans
  • 2 12 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • Batter

  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups gluten-free baking mix (I use Bob's Red Mill)
  • 1 12 teaspoons xanthan gum
  • 1 12 teaspoons baking powder
  • 14 teaspoon baking soda
  • 14 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • confectioners' sugar, for dusting



  • In a small bowl, combine the pecans, brown sugar and cinnamon; set aside.
  • In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  • Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.
  • Beat in vanilla.
  • Combine the flour mix, baking powder, baking soda, and salt; add to the creamed mixture alternately with the sour cream.
  • Pour half of the batter into a greased and floured 10" bunt pan.
  • Sprinkle with half of the pecan mixture.
  • Gently top with remaining batter and pecan mixture.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.
  • Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pan to a wire rack.
  • Cool completely then dust with confectioner's sugar.

Questions & Replies

Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (13)

  1. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (14)

    Can this coffee cake be frozen?

  2. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (15)

    When I make this cake, I am very careful to follow the directions. I am using King Arthur’s gluten-free one to one flour. The care is very delicate and wants to fall apart when being cut. It also sinks in the middle when baking. What am I doing wrong? Should I decrease the baking powder to one teaspoon? The cake is an absolute favorite so I resist switching recipes. Please help.

  3. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (16)

    Do you use gluten free flour or baking mix? I noticed several people mentioned using gf flour and several gf baking mixes already contain baking powder, soda and xanthan gum. Do I still need to add more?

  4. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (17)

    Has anyone tried freezing this after baking? Thinking about making it ahead of time for Xmas morning.

  5. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (18)

    I don’t have a bunt pan, and I’m not gung-ho about buying one for a single recipe, but I’m baking gluten-free for the first time, and if the bunt pan is a necessity, I’ll go get one, for my mother-in-law. Can I use a spring-form pan with an upside down ramekin in the middle?

see 2 more questions



  1. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (19)

    Great Coffee Cake! I had to bake it a lot longer than what was called for, but other than that it was easy. It's a great recipe for non-gluten eating people (my husband even loved it)!<br/> * I made it with walnuts.

  2. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (20)

    I lowered the sugar to 1 1/2 Cups and it was even better than the first time I made it. My kids love this and don't even know it's gluten free!

  3. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (21)

    Wonderful cake! I used a homemade gluten free flour blend containing rice flour, potato starch, tapioca starch and xanthan gum, so I omitted the xanthan gum. The flavor was wonderful, and texture was light and airy. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (22)

    This is a great gluten-free recipe. I made it for a co-worker's birthday today and everyone raved about it. I followed the directions exactly as they are written. It was my first time using gluten-free flour (I also used Bob's Red Mill) and xanthan gum and while the texture of the un-cooked dough was the most unique dough I have every experienced, the cake was fabuluous! Thanks for the recipe!

  5. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (23)

    This is such a delicious cake! Made it just as directed and it turned out perfect. I'll definitely be making this one again and again.

see 18 more reviews



  1. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (24)

    My parents make sour cream coffee cakes all the time for work events and so I've been desperately trying to find a good recipe that I can make gluten free. So, I made this amazing recipe just a few days ago. Being celiac, I'm always a little skeptical with baking because there are some things that just taste gluten free and I really did not want that. You know? That weird aftertaste? Maybe it's just me. I did not use the same flour as the recipe and mine came out PERFECT. It was super moist in the inside, not dry or crumbly!! Big success!

    • Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (25)

  2. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (26)

    Make sure you well grease your Bundt or it’ll look like this. If had the powder sugar on it would probably mask.

    • Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (27)

  3. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (28)

    Next time, will Put more of the filling in the inside and a little less, on the top so 3/4-1/4. I did follow the other idea of cutting the sugar down by half a cup in the batter, too

    • Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (29)

  4. Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe - (30)

    I have made this a few times. I didn't use xanthin gum, but used a beef gelatin at one teaspoon. It didn't raise as much and the taste was still great. So the next time I will use a Tablespoon of the gelatin instead. I did freeze some to have at a later date. It was still fresh and good.


I am blessed with a wonderful dh and four fantastic, crazy children. I am a stay at home mom who works from son up till son down.My favorite cookbook is not one that I cook with very often, it actually sits on top of my pantry propped up in an old basket. The cookbook was given to my grandmother just prior to her marriage to my grandfather and it has the family prayer and some recipes that my great-grandmother penned in her own hand inside. It is called All About Home Baking.<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><img src=""><img src=""><img src=""><img src=""><img src=""><img src=""><img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""><img src=""><img src=""> <img src=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"><img src=""><img src=""><img src=""><img src=><img src=><img src=""><img src="">

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Gluten-Free Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe  - (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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